Uvala Stupica Vela - Žirje

(115 ratings)

Uvala Stupica Vela - Žirje

(115 ratings)

N°3 in Šibenik

Coordonnées 43° 38.13' N, 15° 41.05' E

See on the map
Icon information


Here are the mooring conditions you'll find in the anchorage Uvala Stupica Vela - Žirje

  • Anchor allowed

    Anchor allowed

  • Mooring buoys

    Mooring buoys

Icon seabed

Seabed types

You'll find the following types of seabed at Uvala Stupica Vela - Žirje

  • Sand Check

Icone bouée

Mooring field information

Here is the information available regarding the mooring field of Uvala Stupica Vela - Žirje

  • Phone 098337028 Phone
  • VHF - VHF
  • Max. length 17m Max. length
  • Seasonal Yes Seasonal
  • Guest buoy Yes Guest buoy
  • Number of buoys 31 Number of buoys
Icon météo

Weather and protection

Reachable by dinghy

Reachable by dinghy

  • Snack (disponible)


  • Beach (indisponible)


  • Water (indisponible)


  • Dock (disponible)


Icone avis

The community's opinion

Below are the reviews added by Navily users on the anchorage Uvala Stupica Vela - Žirje. Download our free application on your smartphone to share your own experience with the community.